Sunday, November 15, 2009

U. N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights & The Seven Freedoms

U. N. Universal Declaration of Human Righst, First Seven Articles
[Available online at The United Nations is the author of the original material.]

Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 4.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

The Seven Freedoms [Human Development Report 2000, UNDP]
1. Freedom from discrimination - by gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.
2. Freedom from want - to enjoy a decent standard of living.
3. Freedom to develop and realize one's human potential.
4. Freedom from fear - of threats to personal security, from torture, arbitrary arrest and other violent acts.
4. Freedom from injustice and violations of the rule of law.
5. Freedom of thought and speech and to participate in decision-making and form associations.
6. Freedom for decent work - without exploitation.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fragile Existence

We should not trust in ourselves but in God. —2 Corinthians 1:9

The geological features at Yellowstone National Park fascinate me. But when I walk among the geysers, I’m aware of how close I am to danger. I am walking atop one of the largest, most active volcanoes in the world.

When I read the book of Job, I feel as if I’m walking through Yellowstone on a day when the volcano erupts, exploding the earth’s fragile crust and bringing disaster.

Like tourists at Yellowstone, Job was enjoying life. He was unaware that only a hedge separated him from disaster (Job 1:9-10). When God removed that hedge and allowed Satan to test Job, his life exploded (vv.13-19).

Many believers live in circumstances where it seems as if God, for some reason, has removed His hedge of protection. Others, also for reasons unknown, live in relative calm, seemingly unaware of their fragile existence. Like Job’s friends, they assume that nothing bad will happen unless they do something to deserve it.

As we learn from Job, however, God somet imes allows bad things to happen to good people. Although disaster can strike at any moment, nothing has the power to destroy those who trust Christ (2 Cor. 4:9). No disaster can separate us from God’s love. —Julie Ackerman Link

Though darker, rougher, grows the way
And cares press harder day by day,
With patience in His love I’ll rest,
And whisper that He knoweth best. —Pentecost

God’s love still stands when all else has fallen.

Copyright © 2009, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI 49555 USA.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series 2009, The University of Hong Kong

This evening, I just attended Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series 2009 at The University of Hong Kong. The Title of The Lecture is 'Shifting Paradigms on Both Sides of the Global Economic Imbalance'. It was presented by Professor Justin Yifu Lin, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, The World Bank. The lecture was indeed insightful. It provided detailed picture of the present issue of Global Imbalances. He mentioned that the content of the seminar is not the representative view of The World Bank, it is mainly his own opinions.

I will try to summarize the main points of the lecture in this short note.

As we all know, currently there is a very present issue regarding the Global Imbalance in the World Economy. The United States has a great amount of large fiscal deficit, amount up to 7% of its GDP, in which the fast increase of the fiscal deficit mainly occurs after the dot-com bubble in 2000-01. On the other hand, China has a great amount of trade surplus, from the extensive export activities to many other developed countries. This is the imbalance.

First, let's take a look at the US economy. The US fiscal deficit increased in the much faster rate, after the dot-com bubble in 2000-01. After the dot-com bubble burst, The US Government used monetary policy extensively, by lowering interest rate as many as 27 times from 6% to 1% (in a very short period of time, from August 2001 - March 2003), to stimulate the economy. The US Government also spent a large amount of money on war in Middle-East and borrowing a large amount of money from China through selling Government Bonds, which worsen the US budget status.

Second, let’s take a look at the China economy. China has been a net exporter for the last decade. China has competitive advantage due to its ‘undervalued’ RMB currency. It made the goods produced in China to be relatively cheaper, which many countries ended up to import things from China, including the US. It led China to be a net exporter and having huge trade surplus.

Now, there has been argument that so-called ‘undervalued’ RMB was the main cause of this Global Imbalance. But is this a valid argument?

The data does not show favor to this common argument. One data shows that although the US fiscal deficit grew in faster rate after 2000-01, China’s trade with US only accounts for one third of the US fiscal deficit (which the proportion has been relatively constant over the last 8 years or so). Professor Justin Yifu Lin argued that the World could not blame China’s ‘undervalued’ RMB to be the main cause of Global Imbalance, or US fiscal deficit. What about the other two-third of the deficit?

He also argued that if China let RMB to appreciate it will worsen the Global Problem, as the goods produced in China will be more expensive, and countries must buy the products at the more expensive price (whether from China or from other countries), which will decrease the purchasing power of countries, and will slow down the economic recovery.

The other factor which caused this Global Imbalance was over-capacity. The World Bank forecasted that the over-capacity problem will not be solved until 2013. This over-capacity problem slow down the economy activity, because every goods produced must be sold somewhere. Now, the demand is less than the supply.

Another issue is the saving ratio of China and of the US. The US has been long known for its low saving ratio, whereas China has been known as one of countries with highest-saving ratio. (up to 50%). There has been an argument that China should spend more to balance the economy. But if we look at the data, out of 50% saving ratio, 25% is corporate saving. Then it leaves only 25% saving ratio for individuals. This 50% saving ratio is very close to India’s saving rate. This high corporate saving ratio is due to income disparity in China. The rich has lower propensity to consume, whereas the poor has higher propensity to consume. And in the end, the corporate saved more.

He also mentioned about the effectiveness of Keynesian Solution. Keynes argued that fiscal policy will boost economy. It will work well if Ricardian Equivalence is not happening. If Ricardian Equivalence is happening, The Keynesian Solution will not work. Ricardian Equivalence says that if government gives money to the public now (by subsidy or lowering taxes), the public will expect that they need to pay higher taxes in the future, which makes the public to save even more.

This summary is not exhaustive. There are other details and arguments which I could not remember clearly. The lecture was full of economic analysis.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Be Thankful Even in Tough Times

by Rick Warren

"May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord. I say it again: rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4 TEV).

In Philippians 4, Paul says, "May you always be joyful in your life in the Lord." Can we really be joyful in all circumstances? The Bible suggests the following strategy:

Don't worry about anything--Worrying doesn't change anything. It's stewing without doing. There are no such things as born-worriers. Worry is a learned response. You learned it from your parents. You learned it from your peers. You learned it from experience. That's good news. The fact that worry is learned means it can also be unlearned.

How do you unlearn it? Jesus says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34 NIV). He's saying don't open your umbrella until it starts raining. Don't worry about tomorrow. Live one day at a time.

Pray about everything--Next, instead of worrying, use your time for praying. If you prayed as much as you worried, you'd have a whole lot less to worry about. Some people think God only cares about religious things, such as how many people I invite to church or my tithing. Is God interested in car payments? Yes. He's interested in every detail of your life. That means you can take any problem you face to God.

Thank God in all things--Whenever you pray, you should always pray with thanksgiving. The healthiest human emotion is not love but gratitude. It actually increases your immunities. It makes you more resistant to stress and less susceptible to illness. People who are grateful are happy. But people who are ungrateful are miserable because nothing makes them happy. They're never satisfied. It's never good enough. So if you cultivate the attitude of gratitude, of being thankful in everything, it reduces stress in your life.

Think about the right things--If you want to reduce the level of stress in your life, you must change the way you think because the way you think determines how you feel. And the way you feel determines how you act, which is why the Bible teaches that, if you want to change your life, you need to change what you’re thinking about.

This involves a deliberate conscious choice where you change the channels. You choose to think about the right things. Because the root cause of stress is the way we choose to think, we need to focus on the positive and on God's word.

What is the result of not worrying, praying about everything, giving thanks, and focusing on the right things? Paul tells us the result is, "you will experience God's peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your heart quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus."

What a guarantee!

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

God's Grace

He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
Ephesians 1:7-8, NLT

Grace is God's voluntary and loving favor given to those he saves. We can't earn salvation, nor do we deserve it. No religious, intellectual, or moral effort can gain it, because it comes only from God's mercy and love. Without God's grace, no person can be saved.

To receive it, we must acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves, that only God can save us, and that our only way to receive this loving favor is through faith in Christ.

© 2009, Tyndale House Publishers

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saved by Faith Alone

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2 : 8 - 10)

We are saved by faith alone. Faith in God - Jesus Christ. Good works only will not bring salvation to us.

Am I saying that, we can just have faith in Jesus Christ, and do bad deeds, and still be saved? I must say, 'Yes', theoretically. But there is a problem.

When we really accept Jesus Christ as our savior, and really let Him live inside us, our character will be changed automatically. He will change our mindset of everything. We will have more and more Christ-Like Characteristics over time. We have no choice, but be changed. God's Ultimate Character is Love. God is Love. We will be a person who exhibits God's Love. Then, good works will automatically follow. If God really dwells in us, we will not have the ability of not doing good works.

Good works alone will not bring salvation. Faith alone will bring salvation.

In mathematical language :
1. Faith is necessary and sufficient condition for our Salvation [very strong condition]
2. Good works are not necessary and not sufficient condition for our salvation

But again, when we have the faith and God really dwells inside us, we have no choice, but to exhibit His Love to others through our actions.

We are loved first by God, so that we have the ability to show love to others.

May God bless you always, Readers. Have a Blessed week ahead.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why do we serve? We serve because Jesus did.

After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down, and asked, "Do you understand what I was doing? You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and you are right, because that's what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washer your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you. I tell you the truth, slaves are not greater than their master. Nor is the messenger more important than the one who sends the message. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them. (John 13 : 12 - 17).

Serving others is not something natural for us. We all want to be served. The very act of being served makes us feel important. It also implies that we are somehow superior to the one who is serving us. Jesus, however, totally changes our mindset by his own very behavior. He washed His disciples' feet.

Jesus set the example for us to serve each other. If Jesus served we are compelled to do the same. This washing of the feet was an ordinary, mundane task but Jesus, the Son of God, was not too important, too busy or too proud to serve the disciples.

Copyright, 2009 Island ECC, Hong Kong.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Prayer Steps: From Condemnation to Confidence

by Rick Warren

"Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; yet now God declares us 'not guilty' of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins" (Romans 3:23-24 TLB).

For the past few days, we've been studying the biblical path from condemnation to godly confidence, and I consider this so important to our ability to make healing choices, that I want to lead you in a prayer today.

You've been under self condemnation, maybe because of some unresolved guilt, maybe because of some unrealistic expectations, maybe both. The Bible says, "All of us have sinned and we all fall short of God's ideal; yet, now God declares us not guilty if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness, freely takes away our sins."

Would you like to have that burden removed? Would you pray, "Jesus Christ, I want to ask you to forgive me for all the things I've ever done wrong." If something specific comes to mind right now, just agree, saying, "Yes, and that . . . and that . . . " As those pictures go across your mind, say, "Lord, I ask forgiveness for that and I accept your forgiveness because of Jesus Christ."

Pray, "Jesus, help me to forgive myself and to look straight ahead with honest confidence and not to hang my head in shame. When my past failures come to mind, instead of me coming back and begging you to forgive me again, help me to remember that I've already been forgiven. I just need to forgive myself. Every time that memory comes back, instead of me being guilty, Lord, I will be grateful. Let that memory remind me, instead, that you are a God of forgiveness and grace, and that I am forgiven. When that memory comes to my mind, let it cause me to praise you and say, 'What a great God you are! You've forgiven me. I'm a trophy of your grace.'"

Then would you pray, "Lord, help me to relax in your grace, to realize that you don't expect perfection. You know what I'm made up, that there is no condemnation in Christ, that you'll never love me any more and never love me any less because of what I do."

"Father, I want to walk in your grace. I want to take off the yoke of guilt and put on the yoke of grace today. Lord, help me to eliminate the negative self-talk in my life. I know now that when I put myself down, I am really questioning You--because you made me the way that I am, the way I look, with the talents and abilities I have and the ones that I don't have. You made me just to be me."

"Help me to focus my mind on the positive things and to read my Bible every day and memorize it and meditate on it. And as I read it, remind me again and again how much you love me. God, help me to quit trying to please everybody. I know it's an impossible task and it only causes anxiety in my life. Instead, let me focus only on doing your will and knowing if it's your plan and purpose for my life. Help me to obey what you've told me to do; it doesn't matter what others think. I relax in your grace."

"Thank You, Father, that through your grace we can get off the rat race of unresolved guilt and unrealistic expectations--those things that push us to do more. Instead, may we relax and do the things that really count. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen."

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eliminate Negative Self-Talk [by Rick Warren]

"Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts" (Proverbs 4:23 GN).

Long before psychology came around, God said your thoughts determine your feelings and your feelings determine your actions. If you want to change your life, you've got to control the way you think.

Our minds are really an amazing creation. It would take a computer the size of a small city just to carry out the basic functions of your brain. Your brain contains over one hundred billion nerve cells. Each individual cell is connected with ten thousand other neurons.

In addition, you're constantly talking to yourself--all the time. Your mind is talking to you! You're talking to yourself right now. Research indicates that most people speak at a rate of 150 to 200 words per minute, but the mind can listen to about 500-600 words a minute. That's why you can listen to me and plan today's dinner at the same time.

In fact, our internal dialogue--the conversation we have with ourselves--is at a rate of 1,300 words per minute. How? Because our mind sees in pictures, and you can see a thought in a nano-second!

The problem is a lot of us are like Job, who says, "Everything I say seems to condemn me" (Job 9:20 GN). He is saying, in effect, "Everything I say puts me down." If you are typical to the human race, you are your own worst critic.

We're always putting ourselves down. We walk into a room smiling, but inside we're thinking, "I’m fat. I'm dumb. I'm ugly. And I'm always late!"

God wants us to stop putting ourselves down. When you put yourself down, who are you really putting down? When you say, "I'm fat. I'm dumb. I'm ugly. I'm no good. I have no talent," you're really pointing to the Creator who made you. When you say, "God, I'm worthless. I'm no good. I can't do anything," you're saying, "God, you blew it with me." That's why God says it's wrong to put yourself down.

How do you eliminate negative self-talk so you can become a more confident person?

The Bible teaches the principle of replacement: "Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right . . . Think about all you can thank God for and be glad about" (Philippians 4:8 TLB).

In other words, don't think about all those weaknesses in your life. Focus on who God wants you want to be and on what God wants to do in your life. I don't know any better antidote to low self-esteem (or to facing your hurts, habits, and hang-ups) than to read God's word every day: study it, memorize it, meditate on it, and apply it in your life.

There isn't a better thing you can do to raise your confidence level than to start believing what God says about you. As I read through the Bible, chapter by chapter, I find a verse that speaks to me. I write it down on a card, memorize it, and then I start affirming it back to God. "Father, thank you that I am valuable; I am significant; I am forgivable; I am capable." Let God renew your mind because "your life is shaped by your thoughts" (Proverbs 4:23 GN).

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Friday, September 18, 2009

You Can Be Confident About the Future (by Rick Warren)

"And I will live in the house of the Lord forever" (Psalms 23:1-6 NLT).

How long is forever going to last? Forever! Some day your body is going to die, but you aren't! Your body is going to end, but that's not going to be the end of you. You're going to live forever in one of two places—heaven or hell. They’re both real places. You will spend eternity in heaven or hell. Your body is going to die, but you're not going to die. We were made to last forever.

Why should Christians be the most confident people about the future?

"Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. . . . We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:6,8 NIV).

Death, for Christians, is a transfer, a promotion. It's on to better things; no more problems. You're not ready to live until you're ready to die. You don't know how to live until you're ready to die. Only a fool would go all through life, totally unprepared for something that everybody knows is inevitable.

You're going to die—someday. If you've accepted Christ, then you're going to go to heaven. You'll be released from pain, from sorrow, from suffering, from depression, from fear: "He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone" (Revelation 21:4, MSG).

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Start with the Faith You Have

by Rick Warren

"[The boy's father said,] 'If you can do anything, do it. Have a heart and help us!' Jesus said, 'If? There are no 'ifs' among believers. Anything can happen.' No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the father cried, 'Then I believe. Help me with my doubts!'" (Mark 9:22-24 MSG).

Is it possible to be filled with faith and doubt at the same time? Yes! You can have faith that God wants you to do something and still be scared to death. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is going ahead and doing what you're called to do in spite of your fear. You have to begin with the faith you already have; it may be just a little, but you start there. A beautiful example of this is the story of the man who brought his sick son to Jesus in Mark 9. Jesus looked at the man and said, "I can heal your son. If you will believe, I will heal him." The father then makes a classic statement: "Lord, I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief." Have you ever felt like that? "Lord, I have some faith. But I also have some doubts." This man was filled with faith and doubt, yet despite his honest doubts, he went ahead and asked Jesus for a miracle. And he got his miracle - Jesus healed his son. Mustard seed faith moves mountains. No matter how weak or how frail you think your faith is, it's enough to get you through what you're facing because your "little faith" is in a big God. Matthew 17:20 says, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed . . . Nothing will be impossible for you." That's not a lot of faith; in fact, it's just a little faith. But what else does that verse teach? "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move,' and it will move" (NIV). Mustard seed faith moves mountains. Don't get this reversed; we tend to read this verse backward; we want it to say, "If you have faith like a mountain, you can move a mustard seed" - as if it takes enormous faith to do a very little task. Everybody has faith. You had faith this morning when you ate your cereal - faith that your spouse didn't put poison in your granola! You had faith when you sat down in your computer chair - faith that it wouldn't collapse. Everybody has faith; the difference is what you put your faith in. Sometimes people will tell me they don't want to surrender to Jesus until all their questions are answered; they don't want to make a commitment until everything is understood. God wants you start with the faith you have, and based on the example of the mustard seed, you don't need a whole lot of faith to do great things for God. You just need a little. So here's a trustworthy equation: Little Faith + Big God = Huge Results! - You take your little faith; "Lord, I believe! Help me with my unbelief!" - And you place your faith in our big God. And then he'll show you how he works out huge results.

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spiritual Habits of Effective People: Quiet Time

by Rick Warren

“Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk” (Psalm 25:4 LB).

Getting time with God each day is one of the spiritual habits of effective people. We develop spiritual fitness by having a quiet time each day for Bible reading and prayer.

What’s the reason for that? To get direction from God: “Show me the path where I should go, O Lord; point out the right road for me to walk” (Psalm 25:4 LB).

Sometimes we can get so busy in life that we can forget the direction we’re going. Like the pilot in World War II flying over the Pacific, he radioed back, “I have absolutely no idea where I’m going. I’m lost. But I’m making record time.”

Many times we get very busy. We need to slow down and get direction from God. This means we spend time with God on a daily basis; we talk to God in prayer; we let him talk to us from his Word; and we listen for his direction.

I can honestly say that every major decision in my life has been made in a quiet time.

Jesus is our model; he “often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16 NIV). You can’t get to know God if you’re always in a crowd. You get to know God in a one-on-one encounter.

Notice the Bible says Jesus withdrew often; his quiet time was his source of strength.

And Jesus teaches that we are strengthened as we develop a deep and intimate relationship with him: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (John 15:7 NIV).

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

God Says You Are Capable

by Rick Warren

You have a right now to go directly to God; you have direct access. You don’t have to pray through anybody else. You don’t have to confess through anybody else. You don’t have to go through anyone else to have fellowship with God. The Bible teaches that you have a direct line now.

In addition, God says you have been gifted for ministry to serve other people. Every Christian is a minister. That doesn’t mean every Christian is a pastor, rather minister. Anytime you’re using your talents and gifts to help others you’re ministering.

Notice the Bible verse above says, “He saved us for his holy work.” You are saved to serve. Why did God save you? So you could serve him.

You may be thinking, “How do I know what my ministry is?” You look at your talents, your gifts, and your abilities. You look at how God shaped you. God wants you to use those talents and gifts to help other people. Every time you do that, that’s called ministry: nothing fancy, scary, or supernatural about it. It’s just helping others.

Can you minister in a sales office? Yes, you can. Can you minister as an accountant? Yes, you can. Can you minister driving a truck? Sure! Anytime you’re helping other people in his name, you’re ministering.

In fact, God says you’re necessary in the church. You’re a necessary part of this family. Look at it this way, if I don’t use my talents—you get cheated. If you don’t use your talents—I get cheated. Everybody else in the congregation gets cheated.

We’re all important; we’re all necessary to do our part as we fit together.

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Friday, August 21, 2009

You have to have 'blood pressure' to stay alive...

I remember that one day, my sister - a medical science student in her 3rd year now, told me that for all organisms to stay alive, they must have their blood flowing throughout the whole body system. To make the blood flows, pressure must exist. But she warned me that, although having blood pressure is necessary, but abnormal blood pressure (higher or lower than normal) will do harm to the body system, sooner or later.

When I think about it, it is somehow analogous to our life, at least in one perspective. It is on how life goals, life problems, or anything else, give you a reason (red:pressure) to wake up or to live life for another day.

Having too high 'blood pressure' level is like having too much life goals or too much problems or too much anything else. And eventually it will make people over-stressed mentally and physically, and will lead to unwanted things, such as diseases, mental disorders, etc.

Having too low 'blood pressure' level is like having too little life goals or too little problems or too little anything else. And life becomes meaningless. Why should I wake up and live life for another day, if I do not have anything in mind? It will cause, most likely, equally harmful effects as having too high 'blood pressure'.

So what is the best then?

The normal 'blood pressure' is the best for us. Not too much and not too little. We have a reason to live, but we are not over-stressed by our reasons.

The analogy is obviously not explaining things completely. But it might be true, at least, in a part.

So, what is your 'blood pressure' level then?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Beware The Rupert

Beware The Rupert

Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. —2 Corinthians 11:14

In the June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Europe, an armada of Allied ships assaulted the beaches of Normandy, France. Simultaneously, thousands of airplanes dropped paratroopers into the action. Along with the paratroopers, the Allies also dropped hundreds of rubber dummies behind the enemy lines. Called “Ruperts,” these dummies were intended to simulate an attack to confuse the enemy. As the Ruperts landed, some German outposts were tricked into fighting the “paradummies,” creating a vital crack in the walls of Fortress Europe.

We accept that kind of deception as part of a legitimate military operation designed to thwart oppressive forces. What we should not accept is the deception Satan throws our way. Paul explained that the devil “transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14), and his servants appear to be people who are promoting righteousness (v.15).

We must be alert! Our spiritual enemy would love to have followers of Christ distracted by false teaching and faulty doctrine. But as we keep our eyes on Jesus and the clear teachings of Scripture, our Lord can keep us aimed in the right direction.

Don’t be tricked by Satan’s Ruperts. —Bill Crowder

Each day amid life’s noisy throng
We’re bound to hear this world’s case,
And if we’re not alert to wrong,
The Savior’s name we may disgrace. —D. De Haan

God’s truth uncovers Satan’s lies.

Copyright 2009, RBC Ministries

Monday, August 17, 2009

The 64th Indonesian Independence Day (Hong Kong)

Below is a message from Consul General of The Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong, Ferry Adamhar, in celebration of the 64th Anniversary of the Indonesian Independence. The message was published on a Hong Kong Local Newspaper, The Standard, on August 17, 2009 (Monday), page 16.

In its endeavour to nurture democracy, Indonesia must also deal with some challenges. Recent terrorist bombing in Jakarta appeared to be one of the biggest challenges that Indonesia has to courageously deal with. Such tragic attacks posed an assault to democracy and freedom in Indonesia. Nonetheless, Indonesia remains steadfast in its commitment and vigilance against terrorism. Furthermore, our courage in consolidating our democracy and bringing prosperity to our people will not be deterred by such cowardly acts. The continuously nurtured political climate and economic development in the past five years provide strong foundation for Indonesia; the terror results in insignificant negative impact on Indonesia's strong economy and positive image.

Indonesia's economy is now one of the most stable among Asian nations. The stable political climate is one of the factors that make investors come to Indonesia for a good investment. Challenged by the current financial tsunami, in 2009 Indonesia's economy is expected to grow by about four percent. Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati predicts that the economic growth in the first semester of 2009 may reach 4.1 percent, and in the second semester 4.6 percent, bringing the total to 4.3 percent. In spite of the fact that the GDP growth slowed from 6.4% y-o-y (Q4 2008) to 4.4% y-o-y (Q1 2009), this is better than expected; better than almost all developed economies, and better than most Asian nations. Current economic slowdown was much less distinct and has been more moderate than for many other countries, especially among Southeast Asian. In the first quarter this year, externally focused sectors continued to be impacted by the global slowdown, while domestic demand rebounded on optimistic consumer confidence, stable retail prices and renewed investor confidence. Private consumption, which accounts for 60% of GDP, also remains robust.

As one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world, with significant deposits of gold, copper, silver, tin and coal, Indonesia is among the world's leading coal producers and plans to double its coal use by 2025, mostly to generate electricity. In addition, Indonesia is one of the world's main oil producers, although the production has fallen in recent years. It also has great potential for renewable energy, especially geothermal, which can help sustain the long-term economic growth. With the assumption that the growth will continue steadily, the baseline projection for the economic growth in 2010 and 2011 will be 6.9% and 7.1%.

In the manufacturing sector, Indonesia is one of the favourable place as an alternative production base. And industry could easily find the labour resources; vast landl; natural resources (65% of coal used for Hong Kong electricity is from Indonesia); as well as infrastructure and utilities. In 2007, Indonesia's strong attempt to boost better economic and investment climate was confirmed on the new investment law No. 25/2007 and Law on Special Economic Zones 2007 which is favourable for foreign investors. The improvement of infrastructure (roads, railways, airports and seaports facilities, and telecommunication) is also prioritized.

In its relation to Hong Kong, in 2008 Indonesia was Hong Kong's 20th largest trading partner, and 23rd largest export destination (6th largest among ASEAN-10). Moreover, Hong Kong's total exports to Indonesia increased by 20.1% YoY to US$ 2,177 millions. Major export items included telecommunication equipment and parts (37% of the total), knitted or crocheted fabrics (7.1%), woven cotton fabrics (5.9%), semi-conductors, electronic valves, and tubes (3.1%), and computers (2.7%).

On the other hand, Hong Kong's imports from Indonesia grew by 10.9% YoY to US$ 2,302 millions in 2008. Major imports included coal (33.2% of the total), edible products and preparations (11%), telecommunication equipment and parts (8.3%), electrical machinery and apparatus (2.8%), and electrical apparatus for electrical circuits (2.7%).

As one of its main programs of Visit Indonesia Year 2009, this year Indonesia is even more prepared to be the host of Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE). Apart from Bali that has been a magnet for many international-scale business, social and cultural events, Indonesia offers you many other venue to organize an event : Bali, Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan and other rising MICE starts, such as Bandung, Batam, Padang, Makassar, and Manado. Additionally, within the sphere of democracy, 491 different ethnic groups and tribes who speak of 726 different languages reside peacefully side by side in more than 17,000 beautiful islands, stretched accross the equator. With these differences Indonesia offers ample variety of tourism industries and destinations.

For those who want to spend their holiday or spend some leisure time, Indonesia is the right place to be since it offers diverse tourism activities and destinations for different types of travellers.

Allow me also to express my sincere gratitude to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China for their continued support to maintaining and enhancing the development of a fruitful and mutually beneficial relationship between Indonesia - Hong Kong SAR - the People's Republic of China.

And for the Indonesian community in Hong Kong, Dirgahayu Kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Excelling at What You Do

by Rick Warren

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people” (Colossians 3:23 TEV).

During the 2008 Summer Olympics, Michael Phelps gave us an extraordinary display of the pursuit of excellence. But the truth is every athlete in the Olympics pursues excellence as peak performers in their categories of competition.

The Bible identifies five characteristics of people who excel at what they do.

1. People who excel work with enthusiasm. Regardless of whether the job is big or small, give it your best. Great performers give their best effort, no matter the size of the audience: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people” (Colossians 3:23 TEV).

2. People who excel sharpen their skills. They never stop developing, growing, learning, and improving: “If your ax is dull and you don’t sharpen it, you have to work harder to use it. It is smarter to plan ahead” (Ecclesiastes 10:10 TEV). It takes more than desire to excel, it takes skill! Remember, you’re never wasting time when you’re sharpening your “ax.”

3. People who excel keep their word. They are reliable. They can be counted on to do what they say they’ll do. So they excel because people of integrity are rare in our society: “Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is!” (Proverbs 20:6 TEV).

4. People who excel maintain a positive attitude. Even under pressure, or change, or unrealistic demands, they don’t allow themselves to become negative: “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life . . .” (Philippians 2:14–16 NIV). And remember: “If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes” (Ecclesiastes 10:4 NLT).

5. People who excel do more than is expected. This is a secret that every successful person has discovered. You’ll never excel by only doing what is required. Jesus said, “If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously” (Matthew 5:40–42 MSG).

The Broadway lyricist Oscar Hammerstein once told the story of seeing the top of the Statue of Liberty from a helicopter. He was impressed because of the incredible detail the artist had sculpted on an area that no one was expected to see. In fact, the Statue of Liberty was completed with no idea that man would someday be able to fly over the statue!

When you’re tempted to cut corners, thinking, “No one will ever know,” remember God is looking down and sees everything you do. Give him your best this week!

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My name is habit

I am your constant companion,
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am at your command.

Half of the tasks that you do you might just as well
Turn over to me and I will do them quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done.
After a few lessons, I will do it automatically.

I am the servant of all great people
And the regret of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.

I am not a machine but I will work with all its precision
Plus the intelligence of a person.

Now you may run me for profit or you may run me for ruin.
It makes no difference to me.

Take me, train me, be firm with me and
I will lay the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.

I am called Habit!

[Author Unknown]

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Receiving the Kingdom of God like a child

"I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it."
Mark 10:15, NLT

How can you "receive the Kingdom of God like a child"? Adults considering the Christian faith for the first time will have life experiences that take them way past the ability to be as innocent as children. Jesus does not ask us to put aside our experiences, but he does require a change of attitude: adult self-sufficiency must recognize its need for the sovereign God; adult moral defensiveness must humble itself before the holy God; and adult skeptical toughness must soften before the loving God. Children do not feel supremely powerful, perfectly righteous, or totally autonomous. These are adult fantasies.

Coming to Jesus means to accept his goodness on your behalf, confess your need, and commit your life to his tender guidance.

© 2009, Tyndale House Publishers

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Is not believing the existence of God rational?

In economics, we assume that every individuals are rational. Rational individuals will make choices which maximize their objective functions, subject to constraints.

In finance theory, we partly believe that every individuals are also behaving rationally and they will minimize risk, for any given level of return. Minimizing risk is rational.

Now, how is it related to believing the existence of God? Why is 'not believing the existence of God' probably not a rational thing to do?

Let see the following arguments,
1. If God does not exist, then there is no difference between believing His existence and not believing His existence. Everyone (believers and non-believers) will be doing fine in the end.

2. If God exists and He has rules or commands for you to follow, then it makes difference on whether you are believing on His existence.
If you are not believing on His existence and therefore certainly you are not going to listen to Him, then it is likely that your might break His rules and it is likely that you might reap something you do not like in the end, such as punishments.
If you are believing on His existence and you are listening to Him, then your life or life-after-death is likely to go well and you will be blessed by all the good things from Him, due to your obedience to Him.
Furthermore, His rules or commands are teaching you good. His rules do not teach you to do something harmful to your life. Right? So, it is a double benefit.

The conclusions are :
A. If you do not believe on His existence, you will be fine only in condition 1
B. If you believe on His existence, you will be fine in both, condition 1 and 2.

On (A), your 'investment risk' is only half-hedged. But on (B), your 'investment risk' is fully hedged. If you are rational, then you will choose to take full-hedge, instead on half-hedged your 'investment'.

Life is also a kind of 'investment'. Make sure you manage the 'risk' well, so that you could reap the benefit on the maturity date.

If I were you, I will choose to believe on His existence, and listen to Him. I am a rational person. Are you rational?

Disclaimer : It is just a thought, which might be worthwhile to consider.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Listen and Understand

"Then he said, "Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand." (Mark 4:9, NLT)

Some people in the crowd were looking for evidence to use against Jesus; others truly wanted to learn and grow. Jesus' words were for the honest seekers.

We hear with our ears, but there is a deeper kind of listening with the mind and heart that is necessary in order to gain spiritual understanding from Jesus' words.

© 2009, Tyndale House Publishers

Monday, June 22, 2009

Open Invitation

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. —Hebrews 4:16

Versailles was made the capital of France by King Louis XIV in 1682 and remained the capital (except for a short time) until 1789 when it was moved back to Paris. The beautiful palace of Versailles included an opulent 241-foot-long Hall of Mirrors. When a visitor approached the king, he had to curtsy every five steps as he walked the entire distance to meet the king sitting on his dazzling silver throne!

Foreign emissaries to France submitted to that humiliating ritual to court the French monarch’s favor toward their country. By contrast, our God, the King of kings, invites His people to come to His throne freely. We can come to Him anytime—no advance appointments and no bowing required!

How grateful we should be that our heavenly Father is so much more inviting! “Through [Christ] we . . . have access by one Spirit to the Father” (Eph. 2:18). Because of this, the writer of Hebrews urges us to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16).

Have you responded to God’s open invitation? Come in awe and gratitude, for the God of this universe is willing to hear your petitions anytime. —C. P. Hia

You need to talk with God today,
Your heart’s bowed down with care;
Just speak the words you have to say—
He’ll always hear your prayer. —Hess

Access to God’s throne is always open.

Copyright 2009, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI 49555 USA

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Number of hungry worldwide tops 1bn

By Javier Blas, Commodities Correspondent

Published: June 19 2009 13:52 | Last updated: June 19 2009 13:52

The number of chronically hungry people has passed 1bn for the first time – about one in six people – as the economic crisis compounds the impact of still high food prices, the United Nations said on Friday.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation said that its latest estimates put the number of hungry people at 1.02bn, up from a revised 915m in 2008. The estimate confirms data advanced by the Financial Times earlier this year.
The new UN assessment signals that the food and economic crisis of the last two years have reversed the past quarter-century’s slow but constant decline in the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the world’s population.

Before the food crisis started in mid-2007, there were fewer than 850m chronically hungry people in the world, a level that has been roughly constant since the early 1980s owing to the global fight against poverty and countries such as China, India or Brazil lifting their economic growth over the last two decades.

The most recent increase in hunger is not the consequence of poor global harvests but is caused by the world economic crisis that has resulted in lower incomes and increased unemployment, the UN said in a statement.

The Group of Eight leading nations acknowledged earlier this year that efforts to tackle hunger were lagging. G8 agriculture ministers, meeting in northern Italy in late April, said that the world was “very far from reaching” the UN’s goal of halving by 2015 the world’s proportion of malnourished people.

“A dangerous mix of the global economic slowdown combined with stubbornly high food prices in many countries has pushed some 100m more people than last year into chronic hunger and poverty,” said Jacques Diouf, FAO director-general.

“The silent hunger crisis, affecting one-sixth of all of humanity, poses a serious risk for world peace and security,” Mr Diouf added in a statement. “Today, increasing hunger is a global phenomenon. All world regions have been affected.”

The warning comes after the FAO and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said earlier this week that agricultural commodities prices would rise 10-30 per cent over the next 10 years compared with their average of 1997-2006, less than previously feared because of lower economic growth and oil prices.

Agriculture, long neglected in policy discussions, is now being examined more closely after the 2007-08 food crisis, which saw record prices for staples such as wheat and rice spark food riots from Haiti and Bangladesh to Egypt and Senegal. Wholesale agriculture commodities prices have declined since then, but retail food prices remain close to record highs in many developing countries.

The UN’s World Food Programme is cutting food aid rations and shutting down some operations as donor countries that face a fiscal crunch at home slash contributions to its funding. The agency, the world’s leading hunger fighter, had less than $1.5bn in mid-June, out of a required budget of $6.4bn. With almost half the year gone, officials in donor countries said, it was unlikely that the WFP would receive the money it says it needs to prevent hunger in many poor countries.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

Are you being childlike or childish?

"About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 18:1-4, NLT

Jesus used a child to help his self-centered disciples get the point. We are not to be childish (like the disciples, arguing over petty issues), but rather childlike, with humble and sincere hearts.

Are you being childlike or childish?

© 2009, Tyndale House Publishers

The Tempted Brothers

How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? —Genesis 39:9

Two brothers—both far from home —faced similar temptations. One, working away from the family, fell to the schemes of a younger woman. His sin led to embarrassment and family turmoil. The other, separated from loved ones because of family turmoil, resisted the advances of an older woman. His faithfulness led to rescue and renewal for the family.

Who are these brothers? Judah, who fell to the desperate scheme of his neglected daughter-in-law Tamar (Gen. 38). And Joseph, who ran from the arms of Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39). One chapter, an ugly story of irresponsibility and deception; the other, a beautiful chapter of faithfulness.

The stories of Judah and Joseph, presented back-to-back in the midst of “the history of Jacob” (37:2), show us that temptation itself is not the problem. Everybody faces temptation, even Jesus did (Matt. 4:1-11). But how do we face temptation? Do we demonstrate that faith in God can shield us from giving in to sin?

Joseph gave us one way of escape: Recognize sin as an affront to God and run from it. Jesus gave another: Answer temptation with truth from God’s Word.

Facing temptation? See it as an opportunity to make God and His Word real in your life. Then run! —Dave Branon

For Further Study
To gain insight into how to say no to temptation, check out Resisting The Lure: Recognizing The Dangers Of Sexual Temptation at

We fall into temptation when we don’t stand against it.

Copyright 2009, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI 49555 USA.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Getting “In The Way”

Jesus said . . . , “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” —John 14:6

The ancient Romans were known for their roads, which crisscrossed their empire with wide, heavily traveled highways. It’s what Jesus’ audience would have pictured when He claimed, “I am the way” in John 14:6.

While this verse indicates that He is the way to heaven, there’s really more to His statement. Cutting through the underbrush of the dense jungle of our world, Jesus is our trail-guide who makes a new way for us to live. While many follow the way of the world by loving their friends and hating their enemies, Jesus carves out a new way: “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you” (Matt. 5:44). It’s easy to judge and criticize others, but Jesus the Way-maker says to take the plank out of our own eye first (7:3-4). And He cuts a path for us to live with generosity instead of greed (Luke 12:13-34).

When Jesus said “I am the way,” He was calling us to leave the old ways that lead to destruction and to follow Him in His new way for us to live. In fact, the word follow (Mark 8:34) literally means, “to be found in the way” with Him. You and I can make the choice to travel the familiar and ultimately destructive ways, or we can follow Him and be found in the way with the One who is the way! —Joe Stowell

As people of the Lord we’re called
To follow in His way;
And though the world won’t understand,
They’ll see Him on display. —Sper

We don’t need to see the way if we’re following the One who is the Way.

Copyright 2009, RBC Ministries

Two kinds of people

At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike." Matthew 11:25, NLT

Jesus mentioned two kinds of people in his prayer: the "wise and clever"--arrogant in their own knowledge--and the "childlike"--humbly open to receive the truth of God's Word.

Are you wise in your own eyes, or do you seek the truth in childlike faith, realizing that only God holds all the answers.

Taken from Life Application : Daily Devotion (NLT)2009 - Tyndale House Publishers

Sunday, June 7, 2009

God Wants to Give You a Satisfying Life (by Rick Warren)

"A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of" (John 10:10 MSG).

Some people fear worshiping God because they wrongly think that means they have to become judgmental and legalistic. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus came to give us a rich and satisfying life (see John 10:10 NLT).

It is Satan who wants to "steal and kill and destroy" your freedom and your joy (John 10:10 MSG).

Often well-meaning and misguided people can cause us to avoid God because of their fanaticism. Here are the types of religious fanatics I've observed over the years:

Freddy the Pharisee: Rigid, narrow-minded, and legalistic, he has a rule for everything. His favorite word is "don't." And it's only natural for some people to fear they may become just like that if they become a Christian. But Jesus called people like Freddy the Pharisee "blind guides," saying, "You strain your water so you won't accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel!" (Matthew 23:24 NLT).

Susie Self-Righteous: Holier-than-thou attitude and judgmental of others, her favorite phrase is "Thank God, I'm not like you!" Am I going to become like that if I become a Christian? If I get to know God? Yet, Jesus told the story of two men praying; one self-righteous and one humbled by his failures: "I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" (Luke 18:14 NLT).

Billy Bible-Thumper: He's an obnoxious and overzealous crusader. His favorite phrase is "Turn or burn!" Yet, God's plan for bringing us home to Him is full of love, grace, and sacrifice: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him" (John 3:16-17 NIV).

Pauline Praise-eluia: She can't speak without religious clichés. Everything is a miracle or the Devil did it. She's put her brain on the shelf. But God doesn't want you to stop thinking when you become a Christian; in fact, He wants to give you the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV).

These are stereotypes, but they represent people who have abandoned their relationship with God to instead embrace a religion. Jesus says, "I have come that you might have life [not religion] and have it to the fullest!" (John 10:10).

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Remember who you are...

Three days ago, I re-watched one of my childhood favorite animations, The Lion King. I felt like I was back to my childhood time. What a good feeling. Anyway, I am not going to talk about that.

Here, I would like to share with you about a message shown in the movie. To give you a better picture, here is the plot of the scene.

In the story, it was told that reigning King of The Pride Lands, King Mufasa, has a son, which is named after as 'Simba'. And the movie was opened with the blessing of this little cub, by Rafiki (A wise old Mandrill). Simba was destined to be the next King of The Pride Lands. As always, the story goes with a conflict. In the story, there is an antagonist character, named Scar (a younger brother of Mufasa who is envious of the throne, and planned a schemes to dethrone Mufasa). Along the story, as Simba grew, Scar tried many things (through mental manipulation, and wicked plans) to either to kill Simba or to kill Mufasa. All initial plots to kill Simba failed. In short, finally Scar succesfully trapped Musafa, by putting Simba on danger, and forced him to go and save Simba. And Mufasa died on that scene, after Scar purposely not to help Mufasa when Mufasa was about to fell into the stampede of the wildebeests.

Scar knows that he is the one who made Mufasa died. But Scar did not tell the truth to Simba. He intimidated Simba by telling that Simba is the one who caused the death of Mufasa. And Simba believed it. Simba, a young inexperienced little cub, was overwhelmed by the feeling of guilt after that event. And He chosed to flee and run away from The Pride Lands. Then, the story goes, Simba was getting older. And over time, the guilty feeling was always with him. He was never been able to get rid of it.

Until one day, he saw Rafiki (The Wise Old Mandrill). Rafiki has been following him for a while. And finally Simba noticed it. To give you a clearer picture, here is the dialogue between Rafiki and Simba at that scene.

Rafiki: (chanting to himself) Asante sana, squashed banana, we we nugu mi mi apana!
Simba: Would you cut that out? Rafiki: Can't cut it out. If I did, it would grow right back! (chuckles and starts to follow Simba)
Simba: Creepy little monkey...Will you stop following me?! Who are you, anyway?
Rafiki: I think the question is: whooooo...are you?
Simba: [surprised, he sighs sadly] I thought I knew, but now I'm not so sure.
Rafiki: Well, I know who you are! Shh, it's a secret... (leans towards Simba) ... Asante sana, squashed banana, we we nugu mi mi apana!
Simba: Enough, already! What's that supposed to mean, anyway?!?!
Rafiki: It means you're a baboon...and I'm not! (chuckles)
Simba: (starts to walk away) I think you're a bit confused--
Rafiki: (zips in front of him) Wrong! I'm not the one who's confused - you don't even know who you are!
Simba: (sarcastically) Oh, and I suppose you know?
Rafiki: Sure do. You're Mufasa's boy! [Simba stops, amazed, and turns back to Rafiki.]
Rafiki: Bye! (darts away)
Simba: Hey, wait!

[After a brief chase, Simba finds Rafiki sitting in meditation on a rock.]
Simba: You knew my father?
Rafiki: Correction: I know your father.
Simba: [sadly] I hate to tell you this...but he died, a long time ago--
Rafiki: Nope! Wrong again! Ha ha! He's alive! And I'll show him to you! You just follow old Rafiki, he knows the way! Come on!

[Rafiki brings Simba to a river and point his finger to the water]Mufasa's Ghost: Simba, you have forgotten me.
Simba: No, how could I?
Mufasa's Ghost: You have forgotten who you are, and so forgotten me. Look inside yourself Simba, you are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the Circle of Life. Simba: How can I go back? I'm not who I used to be.
Mufasa's Ghost: Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true King.

Ok, I will stop the story here. When I watch this scene, when Mufasa's Ghost said... 'Remember who you are'... , it really tickles my inner self deep inside.

This is exactly what happens to the world. We have forgotten who we are. We have forgotten that We are God's creation, created on His own image. We are no longer looking for God. We are no longer thinking about Him. We are living carelessly by using our own standards. We have forgotten that we, all have fallen short of glory, and deserved to die. Yet God sent His only Son to save us, so that We can have eternal life.

I believe this is what God will say to all of us... : '... Remember who you are...'

'... Remember who you are...'

Let's repent and turn ourselves to God. As what John The Baptist shouted on the wilderness, "humble yourself, confess your sins and repent, receive baptism, and open the “way” for the Messiah to take hold of your lives.”

Maybe, it is the time for us to stop, and to think, and to reflect on our life. And say to our inner self, ... 'Remember who you are, [your name]'...

God loves you. And He will always love you.

Let's remember who we are, and return back to the Father.

Let's leave our old life, as the new has come and will spring, for everyone who is in Christ Jesus.

Let's live a life which is pleasing and is acceptable to Him.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is It Time to Take a Nap?

by Rick Warren

"In six days I, the Lord, made the earth, the sky, the seas, and everything in them, but on the seventh day I rested" (Exodus 20:11 TEV).

Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is just go take a nap. That's because when you're physically down, it's hard to be emotionally and spiritually up. The legendary football (U.S.) coach Vince Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." That's true. It's amazing how much better things look when you're rested.

If you're discouraged right now, it might not mean you have to make a change; it may simply be that you need some rest.

Farmers know that soil needs rest, so they rotate their crops and systematically leave a portion of their land fallow. They do this because land that has rested produces a greater harvest.

About one hundred years ago, a businessman named Frederick W. Taylor did a scientific study on the workplace and productivity. Do you know what his study proved? That people will produce more if they have periodic breaks; and from that, he introduced the coffee break.

Resting is spiritual. The Bible says God "enjoys giving rest to those He loves" (Psalm 127:2 MSG). You may need to put that verse on your refrigerator. The Bible says it's vain for you to rise up early and stay up late.

The Bible also says, "You made my body, Lord; now give me sense to heed Your laws" (Psalm 119:73 LB). What are His laws for the body? Eat right, get your sleep, exercise, and relax.

Rest is so important, in fact, that God put it in the Ten Commandments. In essence, He said, "Every seventh day you are to rest."

Don't ignore what God established. A good night's sleep makes a big difference. And even a quick nap can help you see things clearly.

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc

Congratulations to FC Barcelona...

The final match of Champions League just ended less than 30 minutes ago. And the winner is FC Barcelona (a.k.a Barca). Congratulations to them, I must say!!! ManUtd failed to write their name in the Champions League History as the first team who could retain the trophy.

Today, the better team wins. Although Barca did not start the match well (especially the first 7 minutes, when ManUtd created 5 shots with none from Barca), but in general they played better after the first goal in the 10th minute. As usual, early goal is difficult to take and it is obviously more difficult to take if you play against a team like Barcelona. Today, it proved to be the case for ManUtd.

Anyway, the better team wins today. Unlike the semi-final between Chelsea vs Barcelona, which the better team (Chelsea) did not win.

If we look back to that particular semi-final, we might think that Barcelona is very lucky to be able in the final (and win the competition now). If they lost in the semi-final to Chelsea (which played much better than them at that time), they will not be the champion today. Lucky? Yes. Fair? Of course not to Chelsea.

But again, in football, luck plays role as well, besides skill.

90% skill and 10% luck, will make you a champion in the game of football.

Again, congratulations to FC Barcelona. We will be back next season...

Friday, May 22, 2009

[Revisited] Principle of Life : Love the Lord, your God - 1

This is the continuation of the previous note titled 'Principle of Life : The Shape of Cross'. In previous note, we have learnt from the shape of a cross that there are 2 simple rules of life :

1. Love your God
2. Love your surroundings (neighbors and natures)

In this note, I would like to go little bit further of the first principle, Love your God.

How could we do it? It turns out that the answer is simple, yet not that simple to be done.

Jesus, Himself, has again taught us how to express our love to God. In the Book of John, Jesus said :

"... If you love me (Jesus), you will obey what I command... "

As Christians, we believe that Jesus is God Himself. Hence if you love God, you will obey what God commands.

How can we know what God commands are? We can know through His Words (Bible), prayers, our spiritual experiences with Him, et cetera.

Another thing we should learn is that Jesus wants us to love God with all our hearts and with all our souls and with all our minds. This means you really have to use all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind, to love Him. God requires our complete act of love to Him.

It requires our full obedience to Him. It sounds radical. But this is the way God wants us to be. And we have to realize that God is our creator. He can say and he can do whatever He wants. And us, as His creations, only need to follow the creator's instructions.

Jesus did not say, 'If you love me, you will obey some of my commands'.

Jesus said, 'If you love me, you will obey what I command'. It leaves us no room of negotiation when it comes to following His commands.

Many of us, feels that if we have obey 90% of God's commands, we are good enough. We say, 'I think I am doing good enough, I have followed 90% of the commands.'. But it turns out not to be good enough in God's eyes. He needs our full obedience to His commands.

'If you love me, you will obey what I command'

Let's learn how to love God by following His commands.

"... Teacher (Jesus), which is the greatest commandment in the Law?... Jesus replied : 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it : 'Love you neighbor as yourself.'..."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Principle of Life : The Shape of Cross

How should we live our life? In the world filled of many different principles of life, proposed by different people, often we are made confused which one we should take as ours.

Most of us somewhat consciously understand that there is a higher power (God) who created us. And we are, at least equally conscious, that we are not living alone in this world. There are other people around us.

Once I observed the shape of a cross, and it shed a thought on my mind of principle of life. To make a cross, you need one vertical line and one horizontal line. And what could we learn from it?

1. Vertical Line
It refers to our relationship with God
2. Horizontal Line
It refers to our relationship with our surroundings (neighbors, and natures)

Once, Jesus told us about The Greatest Commandment in The Book of Matthew.

"... Teacher (Jesus), which is the greatest commandment in the Law?... Jesus replied : 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it : 'Love you neighbor as yourself.'..."

And we have to understand that we have to take both (vertical and horizontal line) to make a cross. We can't take only of them.

Can we claim that we love God, and not loving our neigbours at the same time?

Can we claim that we love our neighbors only, and not loving God at the same time?

Understanding this, now we could learn from The Shape of Cross on how to life our life.

2 Simple Rules :
First, Love your God. Build your relationship with God
Second, Love your surroundings (neighbors, and natures)

A lesson from the Cross.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Your schedule doesn't lie - so it's time to shape up

There's an old phrase that says : "What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying."

You can say that your primary value involves putting your family first but if time with your family is not all over your schedule, well then the truth of the matter is that your family life isn't your priority.

You can say that being in world-class physical condition is another top value, but if I don't see five or six big-time workouts etched into your weekly schedule, then the reality to be confronted is that your health just isn't as important as you profess it to be.

You can argue that self-development is an essential pursuit to you because the better you are, the more effective you'll be.

Show me your schedule and I'll discover the truth.

Because your schedule doesn't lie.

There can be no authentic success and lasting happiness if your daily schedule is misaligned with your deepest values.

That's a big idea that has been so helpful to so many of the executive clients that I coach.

If there is a gap between what you do and who you are, you are out of integrity.

You are not walking your talk. Your life can't work.

Your schedule is the best barometer for what your truly value and believe to be important. Too many people talk a good talk. But talk is cheap. Show me your schedule and I'll show you what your priorities are.

I used to be a lawyer. Witnesses in the courtroom could say what they wanted to. But the evidence never lied.

By Robin Sharma, leadership expert and best-selling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

(The Article is taken from 'The Standard', Monday, May 11, 2009)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ten 'Can'-mandments

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13 NIV).

So often we think of commandments as a list of don'ts. Instead of focusing on what we can't do, let's start looking at what we can with this list of ten "can"-mandments!

1. Instead of thinking, "It will never fly," think, "Through God's strength, it's worth the try!"

2. Replace the thought, "It won't work," with faith that, with God's strength, it will work!

3. When someone says, "It's never been done before," respond by saying, "That means God's giving us the opportunity to be the first."

4. "What if we fail?" What if we fail to try, knowing God says we can do everything through Him who gives us strength?

5. "We don't have the money." Where God guides, he provides so that we can do everything he has called us to do.

6. "We don't have the time!" Perhaps God is telling us to re-evaluate our priorities as we rely upon his direction and strength.

7. "We don't have the expertise." Maybe not, but we can learn as God directs our path.

8. "It's been tried before." But we're wiser now because we know we can do everything when we rely on God's strength instead of our own.

9. If someone says, "There are so many problems with it," respond by saying, "Yet, there are so many possibilities when we're trusting God instead of ourselves."

10. Instead of saying, "It's not working out," say instead, "Let's try it one more time, but this time focused on God and the truth that we can do this through Him who gives us strength."

"Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse" (Philippians 4:8 MSG).

@2009, Purpose Driven Life

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What a match... Unbelievable... This is why we love football...

I bring you the latest update from UEFA Champions League Semi-Final between Chelsea and Barcelona.

It was unbelievable. I was speechless to see the very last minute groundbreaking goal from Iniesta. It was just complete madness. Not playing up to the standard, Barcelona was constantly attacked by Chelsea players. Defending clumsily. Not having even one shot on target for the whole 90 minutes. Conceding 1 goal, which was enough, to ensure Chelsea to go to the final.

But you know what? On the 93th minute, the only shot on target by Barca, shook the whole stadium. He scored just slightly outside of the penalty box. That one precious goal was enough to bring Barcelona to the Final.

Chelsea players were stunned. Barcelona players were running all over the pitch. What an unbelievable finish.

This game reminds me of Champions League Final in 1998/1999. It was the final between Bayern Munich and Manchester United. Bayern scored in the first half and the scoreline stayed at 1 - 0 up to 91 minutes. On the 92nd minute, Ole Gunnar scored. And changed the scoreline to 1 - 1. But it was not over. On 93rd minute, Teddy Sherringham came in. And on the 94th minute, magically he managed to slot the ball in. And the scoreline changed to 1 - 2. Manchester United was then crowned as the champion of Europe. Two goals in the last 3 minutes of the game.

Everything can happen in football... As long as the time still ticking, miracles can still happen...

This is why many people likes to watch soccer... There is always hope...

But to be fair to Chelsea, personally I feel that Chelsea is more deserved to be in the final. They played better. They had more chances. There were several fouls and handballs which were not justified. Poor Chelsea. You lost something you deserve to get. That is football (and our life). Sometimes you play well, you still lose. Or vice versa.

Anyway, the result will not change. It is over. Just think about the coming final in May 27.

Manchester United vs Barcelona. I promise you, this will be a very very entertaining match. So don't miss it.

My bet is ManUtd will beat Barcelona by 2 - 0. See you at Rome, Barca...

Glory Glory Man United...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Manchester United is on the way to make a history in Champions League

Fantastic. Entertaining. Devastating. Those are what I have to say after watching how Manchester United played this morning. Aggressive Football.

With an 1 - 0 advantage claimed at home last week, Manchester United came to Emirates Stadium. They came with a full strength squad just to sweep Arsenal away from the competition. 2 Goals in the first 10 minutes of the game has proved devastating to Gunners. All Gunners in the world stood in disbelief to see the club they support to simply just being knocked out in 10 minutes by The Red Devils.

Thanks to those 2 early goals, no one could see any chance for Arsenal to recover. And that was just GAME OVER for Arsenal. The final scoreline was 1 - 3. And ManUtd will march to Rome.

Let's stop the EUPHORIA for a moment. Tonight, there will be another important match between Chelsea and Barcelona (at Stamford Bridge). This match will decide who ManUtd will meet at Rome. Criticized for the 'anti-football' tactics on the first leg, Chelsea will try to prove their true football at home. Barcelona will not be quiet as well. They will keep exhibiting their beautiful, yet deadly, plays. Personally, I prefer to see Barcelona in the Final. They are just beautiful.

Aggressive - Fast Counter Attack Football vs Beautiful-Smooth-Deadly Football...

What an interesting match.

If ManUtd succesfully defends the Champions League trophy, they will be the first and the only club, so far, in this world, to do so.

One step to be history maker.

Glory Glory Manchester United... ^_^

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Human : Small and Powerless, Yet Proud Creature

2 days ago, I came across this video on the web unintentionally. And the video has opened the eyes of my heart, and has made me speechless in awe. In the video, there is a person and this particular person shows how the earth looks like starting from the ground, then 10 km away, 100 km away, 100000 km away, till 100 millions lightyears away. You will see how small, us, human, is in the whole universe. We are extremely micro creature inside the whole universe.

My reaction, when I was watching this video, was speechless. Amazed. It really makes me realized that human is indeed very little in the universe.

But the strange thing is?
Being a very small creature (and extremely weak and powerless in the universe), we are still so proud with ourselves. Proclaiming that we can do everything. With our money. With our intelligence. With our power. With our everything. We do everything we want, according our own rules. We do not care about what God says. What we care is what we think it is right.

We feel that everything must be proved by science. Otherwise, it is flawed. Science is human creation. Who are we, in this universe, so that we can be proud with our thinking? I am not saying that science is useless. Science is important. But we have to have the understanding that science has limitations. Our intelligence and our minds are limited. People are always asking people to prove existence of God, by science.

Who is limitless and boundless? He is God, and God alone. He is the creator of the universe. He created, literally, everything. The whole universe.

Just imagine if suddenly God decided just to take away the oxygen supply in all the earth. Can God do it? Yes, He can. Will He do it? I don't know. It is all in His Hands. If He wants it, He can do it. What can humans do? Nothing right. Even, the most intelligent scientist in this world can do nothing to stop this from happening or to solve the problem arised.

I observes how people are loving money, more than God. Power, more than God. Fame, more than God. Sex, more than God. Even there are people who are willing to harm their relatives just to get those things.

Don't you think that our life is more than just money? fame? power? sex? other temporary worldly things?

Maybe, we should stop and think.

What have we been doing in these all years?
Have we lived according to His Words?
What have I done for others?
Am I living according to His Plans?

Note : The Video is on Just go to "Video", and watch 'The Awe Factor of God'.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

In Matthew 7 : 15 - 23, Jesus told a parable of a tree and its fruit. In this story, Jesus teaches us two things.

1. Watch out for false prophets (Matthew 7 : 15)
Jesus has warned us to beware of false prophets. In today's world, we have witnessed that there are people who preach and mislead others, through their teachings and religious practices (e.g religious sects). So, beware of those false prophets.

How can we know which prophets are false? Jesus gave us a rule of thumb.

'By their fruit you will recognize them... Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit... A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit... Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.' (Matthew 7 : 16 - 20).

So what are the fruits?

In Galatians 6 : 22 - 23, it is clearly said that,

The fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.

We may use this principle as one of our guidance.

2. It is important to follow God's Will
In the verse 21 - 23, Jesus said,

'Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord', will enter the kingdom of heaven... but only he who does the will of my Father (God) who is in heaven... Many will say to me on that day (referring to judgement day), 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evil-doers!'

From these verses, we all can see that what matters to God is whether you do and you live according to His Will. If we are not living according to His Will, we will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Then, if we see in the second part of the readings, there will be people who are doing things in His Name, but God will not recognize them. Again, it is clear that God asks us to follow His Will, instead of merely doing things in His Name. God does not find favor in people who are doing things in His Name, but not according to His Will.

How can we know His Will? Through His Living Words (Bible), Prayers, and Life Experiences.

So, what God wants to see from us is our obedience to His Will and His Plans for us.

God never plans to fail us. All His plans are good for us.

God bless you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Cheat Test : The Need for Moral Guidance

Direct my steps by Your Word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. —Psalm 119:133

Dan Ariely, an economics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, conducted some tests on human behavior. In one experiment, the participants took an examination in which they would receive money for each correct answer. The participants didn’t know, however, that Ariely was not testing their knowledge but whether they would cheat. He set up the test so that the groups thought it would be easy to get away with cheating.

Prior to taking the exam, one group was asked to write down as many of the Ten Commandments as they could remember. To Ariely’s astonishment, none from this group cheated! But all the other groups did have those who cheated. Recalling a moral benchmark made the difference.

Centuries ago, the psalmist understood the need for a moral benchmark and asked for divine aid in following it. He prayed to the Lord, “Direct my steps by Your Word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me. . . . Teach me Your statutes” (Ps. 119:133-135).

Ariely’s “cheat test” experiment illustrates our need for moral guidance. The Lord has given us His Word as a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (v.105) to direct us in our moral choices. —Dennis Fisher

How precious is the Book divine
By inspiration given!
Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine,
To guide our souls to heaven. —Fawcett

Like a compass, the Bible always points us in the right direction.

Copyright 2009, RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI 49555 USA.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Manchester United so far... (2008/2009)

Manchester United has again proved its strength by beating Tottenham Hotspurs by 5 - 2, after being left behind by 2 goals at the half time, last night.

Anyway, I just want to keep you updated with the progress of ManUtd so far...

Barclays Premier League : 1st (with a game in hand)
Champions League : Semi-Final (vs Arsenal)
Carling Cup : Winner
FIFA Club World Cup : Winner
Community Shield : Winner

ManUtd is still running for 5 trophies, out of 6 possible trophies, this season. Unfortunately, ManUtd lost to Everton in FA Cup Semi-Final in penalty shoot-out. If they did not lose to Everton, ManUtd might claim all the possible trophies by the end of the season. Anyway, getting 5 out of 6 is already a huge achievement.

Let me offer you the 'meaning' of winning all these 5 trophies :
1. Barclays Premier League : Champion of the World's Toughest Football League
2. Champions League : Best in Europe
3. Carling Cup : Best among all English Clubs (All divisions)
4. FIFA Club World Cup : Best Football Clubs in the World
5. Community Shield : Better than the previous FA Cup's Champion

What a great club, Manchester United is...

My ideals of the final part of the season will be :
1. Champions League Final : Manchester United vs Barcelona. And ManUtd win again.
2. Barclays Premier League : 1st

Why is it the best ideal (in personal terms)?
1. By beating Barcelona, you may say you have beaten the King of Football in Spanish League.
2. By winning Barclays Premier League, it proved that you are the best of the league. And have defeated all the rivals which often becomes personal matters, such as Liverpool, Chelsea, and Arsenal.

How great ManUtd is... ^_^

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why is Easter an important day for Christians?

Easter celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the center of Christian Faith, from the death.

Jesus came to the world to pay the price for our souls, so that we could come back to the Father (God). Why did Jesus have to do that? Since the eviction of Adam and Eve from Garden of Eden, humans fall short of glory of God and we deserved to die.

"... for all (people) have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3 : 23)

"... For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6 : 23)

From the 2 verses above, it is quite clear that our given state are sinful and we deserve to die. But for God so loved the world, He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us. And through His sacrifice, we could have eternal life with God in the heaven. And only through His sacrifice on the cross, then the price for our souls were paid.

"... For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life, For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him..." (John 3 : 16 - 17)

In His early ministry, Jesus said several times to His followers that He would have to suffer and to die in the cross, and would rise after three days (Mark 8 :31, 9 : 31, 10 : 33 - 34, in parallels with Matthew and Luke).

"...He (Jesus) then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again..." (Mark 8 : 31)

"...because he (Jesus) was teaching his disciples. He (Jesus) said to them, "The Son of Man is going to be bertrayed into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise..." (Mark 9 : 31)

"...'We are going to Jerusalem,' He (Jesus) said, 'and the Son of Man will be bertrayed to the chief priests and teachers of law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise..." (Mark 10 : 33 - 34)

As we all know, Jesus suffered and died on the cross, which has fulfilled what he had said before to their followers. But the great news does not end here. Jesus did not only fulfill His prediction of His death. But He also fulfilled His prediction of His own Resurrection from the death.

Indeed, Jesus rose from the death three days after His death on the cross. How can we be ensured that Jesus really rose from the death? Isn't it possible that His disciples stole His body from the tomb? Let's read the following passages.

"... The next day, the one after Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees went to Pilate. 'Sir,' they said, 'we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver (referring to Jesus) said, 'After three days I will rise again.' So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worse than the first.' 'Take a guard', Pilate answered. 'Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.' So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard..." (Matthew 27 : 62 - 66)

In the passage above, the chief priests and teachers of law are afraid that Jesus's disciples would steal Jesus's body and claimed that Jesus has risen from the death. Then they asked Pilates to secure the tomb as secure as possible, so that there is no single chance for the disciples to steal the body.

But the great news is... Jesus really rose from the death. He fulfilled His Prediction of His Resurrection. On the third day, when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb, there was a violent earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven. The angel went to the tomb, rolled back the stone, and sat on it. The appearance of the angel really scared the guards. The angel told the women not to afraid, and told them that Jesus is not inside the tomb and He has risen from the death and commanded the women to spread the good news.

After witnessing all these, the guards went back into the city and reported everything they saw to the chief priests. The chief priests were very afraid and they bribed the guards with a large sum of money, not to spread the real truth (Jesus resurrection).

Isn't it a good news? Jesus resurrection from the death is indeed the foundation of Christians faith. If He did not rise from the death, everything He has ever said is meaningless. But because He rose from the death, He offers us everlasting Hope. He has proved whatever He has ever said.

That is why Jesus resurrection is indeed very crucial element in Christian Faith.

... Because He lives, We have hope... And Because He Lives, We can face tomorrow...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Woman prefers to stay alone for exchange of assurance... Man risks his wife for loneliness for exchange of respect...

I think most of us are somewhat agree that woman tends to look for older man to be her husband.

(1) Older man is associated with more mature characters, more stable financially, etc. Woman wants assurance of anything. ^_^

(2) A study by UN said that female has longer life expectancy compared to its of male by 4 years.
That means to be able to maximize the time spent together (couple), the female must be 4 years older than the male at the time of dating or of marriage. So the couple will meet and die at the same year. No one is left behind. Time spent is maximized, and both parties are happy. Example :
- The male will die at age of 76, and The female will die at age of 80. If they meet each other when the male is 21 and the female is 20. That means after 55 years, the male will die, and by the time, the female is 75 years only. She still has last 5 years to live alone.
- Another example, if they meet each other when the male is 21 years old and the female is 25 years old. That means after 55 years, both of them will die. No one is left behind.
You can try any different numbers, with different age difference.

(3) The only optimal solution is the male should be 4 years younger than the female (objective : maximum time spent together, none of them is left behind).

Knowing the fact (3), woman still choose older man. It implies that maturity and financial assurance is more important than time spent together, in woman's eye.

Probably, woman does not really care of maximizing their time spent with their husband. They want assurance emotionally and financially. They risks themselves of staying alone for several years after the death of her husband.

The story does not end here. It is a two side of coin.

Now, let's see for the male side. Man tends to look for younger woman. Probably, man likes the kind of respect they can get from younger woman. If it is the only thing man considers, respect is the most important factor among other things. Man risks his wife of staying alone for several years in exchange of respect.

Above analysis is, by all means, not exhaustive. I just try to offer a narrow view of man and woman relationship, which is probably true to some extent.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Forget the Past and Move On...

No one in this world has been always successful in what they do. Everyone has experienced failure(s), at least in one point of his/her lifetime. Mistakes are natural to happen. It is like a newborn baby who learns to walk, of course, they falls several times before they grasp the walking technique. Our whole life is a learning process.

Making mistakes are not the one matters. What matters is whether you have learned something from your mistakes and not doing it again in the future. Often, it is what differs successful person from unsuccessful one.

Often, people looks at the past, and stay there mentally. Regretful. Thinking 'Only If I could go back and do it again...'. Remember, Past is Past. If you have made mistakes in the past, just accept it as it has happened, you cannot change it. And go on. Do not dwell in the past.

Dwells in the past is like someone driving a car, but keep looking at the back, instead of looking at front. And the result is either he will get an accident or safely heading to the wrong direction.

Forget the Past and Move On.

God Bless You.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Plug In Your Emotional Battery

"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (Mark 6:31 NIV).

Are you overwhelmed? Do you feel inadequate? Are you ready to blow at any moment? You can't love others in a godly way when you're at the end of your emotional rope. How many relationships have been ripped apart because the people involved failed to take care of themselves emotionally?

God's Word gives us three habits that can help us recharge emotionally when we have nothing left to give.

1. Solitude. Mark 6:31 says, "So many people were coming and going...[Jesus] said to them [the disciples], 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest'" (NIV). Jesus understood that your emotions are like a battery. If you plug one lightbulb into a battery, it will last for a fairly long time. If you plug in 100 lights, the battery will drain very quickly. Many of you have so many lights plugged in, your battery is shot. You can't recharge anybody else—you can't give love—if your own battery is drained. You recharge when you get away by yourself.

2. Play. The Bible says, "Jesus came enjoying life" (Matthew 11:19 PH). He was the most people-focused, ministry-intensive person who ever lived, yet he took the time to have fun. Certain activities recharge you emotionally; they literally re-create your energy and enthusiasm for life. We all have different activities that recharge us because we're all made differently. Find out what recharges you emotionally and make time for it.

3. Laughter. Proverbs 17:22 says, "Being cheerful keeps you healthy" (GNT). Studies prove that when you laugh, it increases your number of T-cells, which raises your immunity level. Laughter is good for your health. Humor is God's gift to us. Remember, God has a sense of humor—he made you!

To be emotionally balanced, take God very seriously but don't take yourself seriously. Learn to laugh at your limitations. There is plenty of material. If you only laugh and enjoy life when your problems are all solved, you'll never enjoy life.

© 2009. The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Friday, March 20, 2009

We will be fine soon, if you act...

We are still in the financial turmoil, which no one knows where and when the end will come. Government has bombarded the market with various measures, but it seems that all the missiles are powerless. Unable to move the market. The market by itself prefers to stay in the 'painful' comfort zone, instead of risking themselves to another unseen financial monster. By nature, humans are risk-averse. People do not like risk. The risk-aversion is more heightened this time around. Based on economics theory, fiscal and monetary measures should have an impact in the market. Indeed, it has impacted the market, but it was very slow. The market has been bluffed by its own incentives. The players are no longer trusting others. China said that they are afraid of the sustainability of US Dollars value in the future. And Barrack Obama responded to China's fear by claiming that US are still the safest place in the world to invest. Whose statement is more likely to be true? No one knows. Probably, both are wrong.

In terms of economic structures, our times is much better than 1930's. Markets are more matured. Hence, once the fuel (market forces/confidence) fills the machine (market) again, everything will recover. Philosophically, it will happen.

When will you believe yourselves again, Market? Laissez-faire, as what Adam Smith said.

Help Government saving the whole economy. Open the money tab. Let the money flows. Government policies are useless if the people are not responding.