Friday, August 21, 2009

You have to have 'blood pressure' to stay alive...

I remember that one day, my sister - a medical science student in her 3rd year now, told me that for all organisms to stay alive, they must have their blood flowing throughout the whole body system. To make the blood flows, pressure must exist. But she warned me that, although having blood pressure is necessary, but abnormal blood pressure (higher or lower than normal) will do harm to the body system, sooner or later.

When I think about it, it is somehow analogous to our life, at least in one perspective. It is on how life goals, life problems, or anything else, give you a reason (red:pressure) to wake up or to live life for another day.

Having too high 'blood pressure' level is like having too much life goals or too much problems or too much anything else. And eventually it will make people over-stressed mentally and physically, and will lead to unwanted things, such as diseases, mental disorders, etc.

Having too low 'blood pressure' level is like having too little life goals or too little problems or too little anything else. And life becomes meaningless. Why should I wake up and live life for another day, if I do not have anything in mind? It will cause, most likely, equally harmful effects as having too high 'blood pressure'.

So what is the best then?

The normal 'blood pressure' is the best for us. Not too much and not too little. We have a reason to live, but we are not over-stressed by our reasons.

The analogy is obviously not explaining things completely. But it might be true, at least, in a part.

So, what is your 'blood pressure' level then?

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